Sunday, July 03, 2005

Iraq banking

Non-essential story links...
"Changes are coming fast and furious in the Iraqi banking sector, where investor confidence appears high despite the lack of any end in sight to the rebellion and lawlessness that has prevailed in much of the country for the past two years." More...
"Shoppers in Baghdad no longer need to carry plastic bags full of cash, as they did after years of international sanctions reduced the value of a 10,000-dinar note with Saddam Hussein's likeness to less than $5. " More...


Anonymous said...

The Iraq dinar is poised for an increase after the upcomming presidental elections. Would it be practical to invest dollars in the new governments currancies (dinars). will this have the same effect as Kuwait? $ vs dinar

t said...

Incidentally, one year after this question I started currency trading. I would like to watch in hindsight to see how the currencies did - the Kuwaiti dollar, US dollar and Iraqi dinar - and learn something for the future.
Smart thought!

t said...

PortAl Iraq is an Iraq investment site, including USDollar - Iraqi Dinar exchange rates, job and business listings, business news, and more. Check it out to research investing in the dinar.

t said...

Also see an exchange rate historical chart for IQD against USD here

Previously on UpNaira

